AdforceX™ Version 2.0 has been released with new exciting features.
We are excited to announce the release of version 2.0 of AdforceX. This version introduces some major new capabilities that you and our AdforceX sites have asked for, as well as other additions and enhancements that make the application even easier to use.
Some Highlights!
Advanced Image Linking:
Perhaps the most powerful new feature in AdforceX 2.0 is Smart Linking. AdforceX 2.0 now offers three mechanisms for finding and linking ads: Direct Linking, by entering a file path in an ad’s Resolved File Path field in the runsheet, in which a strict file path is honored; Smart Linking, by using Smart Link File Paths to construct one or more customizable file path format strings, assign each Smart Link to a unique name, and associate a Smart Link to your active issue; and Search Folder Linking (formerly called Application Search Directories), by using Search Folders to locate an ad’s image file among many potential candidates and among nested folders. The advantage of Smart Linking is you can configure unique Smart Links for numerous publications in AdforceX Preferences, and then in your active issue you can select which Smart Link to use to automatically link each ad to their digital file.
Runsheet Enhancements:
A variety of new capabilities have been added to the runsheet: multiple sorting, importing several runsheets at one time, a customizable counts field, support for centimeters in measurement systems, and exporting the runsheet with line feeds.
Bleed Settings and Handling:
We added additional bleed side metadata values, included bleeds in standard ad sizes, and added a new bleed “margin allowance” for determining whether the side of an ad placement will bleed when offset from page margins.
Size to Fit Ad Info:
Responding to a much requested feature, users can size the ad information text to best fit its on-page frame, and do so optionally in the issue window, when printed, or for both.
Plus lots of other improvements and enhancements – including automatic backup of the AdforceX preference file. Be sure to check out the What’s New in AdforceX 2.0 available under the AdforceX Help menu