AdforceX™ Version 1.5 has been released with new exciting features.
Some of the new features in version 1.5.
Customizable Issue Interface:
AdforceX 1.5 includes a complete refresh of the user interface. Users can now customize the look and feel of the AdforceX issue window and its pages to improve viewing and printed output based on screen sizes and workflow preferences. You can decide what items appear in page views, and also choose the fonts and sizes for all the UI elements, including folios, section headers, page notes and metadata, along with color bars and page properties bars sizing.

Column Models:
AdforceX 1.5 introduces full column model support. Issues can include pages and ad placements that use independent column models and page sizes – all within the same AdforceX issue. Now you can produce, for instance, a standard tab or broadsheet publication while also including inserts and circulars of varying dimensions – and layout processes will honor those models during automatic layout.

Simply Our Best Ever Ad Layout Solution.
With a completely new, streamlined set of interfaces, AdforceX makes the ad dummying process easier and more intuitive than ever before.
AdforceX is the newest member of our award-winning Page Director® Series of ad layout solutions — one that has been completely redesigned to take full advantage of the modern macOS® technology. Plus, AdforceX has been built to work side by side with our AdImport, Fido and Split & Folio Plug-ins for Adobe® InDesign® CC 2019, 2020 and 2021.
AdforceX ad layout system is compatible with macOS® X 10.14 Mohave, macOS 10.15 Catalina and macOS 11 Big Sur only.