We are pleased to announce integration of AdWorks into the Blox CMS / Blox Classifieds systems from TownNews.

Customers using AdWorks advertising management system and the TownNews Blox CMS / Blox Classifieds can export all of your classified liners and classified display ads from AdWorks in seconds. You will them be able to flow them directly into the Town News platform and viewed on your website.
AdWorks will automatically export all your PDF/EPS graphic files and link them up in your Blox Classifieds.
To publish your ads from AdWorks and into the TownNews Blox Classified system, simply click the Classifieds option under the main Ads menu option in AdWorks as shown below.

Next, instead of selecting your typical InDesign or QuarkXpress export, select the “Town News Export” option as shown below.

The AdWorks to TownNews integration / export is available at no additional charge and built into the AdWorks platform. The min. version you need to be using is AdWorks 5.x. It will also be bundled in future versions going forward (AdWorks 2019, AdWorks 2021, etc).
AdWorks is the ultimate advertising management system designed for daily and weekly publications. It provides all of the tools necessary for efficient print and digital ad sales, accounts receivables, powerful live reporting, messaging and pagination integration – all in one complete system
BLOX Classifieds bundles everything you need to build and operate a high-performance classified advertising marketplace and is one of the many integrations that is available in AdWorks. For more information on TownNews, please visit https://townnews.com